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Node.js Online Test
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Node.js Online Test

The Node.js online test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers evaluate candidates’ skills. It helps hire for various job roles, including Node JS Developer, Node JS Engineer, and Front-End Developer. Build winning teams by increasing the interview-to-selection ratio by up to 62% and reducing hiring time by up to 45%.

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Node.js Online Test

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside the browser and is designed to build scalable network applications. Node.js helps developers to use JavaScript to write command line tools. It also enables running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.

Why use iMocha’s Node.js coding test?

Node.js online test helps employers in many ways, including hiring job-fit candidates quickly, making unbiased employee performance appraisal decisions, and reducing hassle in mass recruitment. The Node.js developer skills assessment test can be customized to evaluate candidates based on different skill sets.

Node.js online test helps hiring managers and recruiters find the most suitable candidate by assessing their expertise in Node.js. Candidates can take this test online from anywhere in the comfort of their time zone.

The role-based access control feature restricts system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation and webcam proctoring help detect cheating while you conduct Node JS technical tests.

Two important use cases for Node.js coding test

#1 Identifying job-fit candidates based on job roles

You can create customized Node.js technical test for any given job role. Using this feature, you can choose questions from different skill types, including functional, technical, and soft skills. For example, with our customized Node.js assessment test, you can evaluate candidates’ knowledge of Javascript Engine, Sessions, Packages and Communication Skills and assess the best individuals for the job.

#2 Skill-gap analysis of your employees

iMocha allows you to measure employees' skill competency through Node.js training assessments. It determines the existing skill level and identifies the areas for growth. It also measures the knowledge and impact of the training and traces individual employees’ progress. For example, you can use our Node.js assessment test to identify a consultant’s knowledge about Directories, Javascript Engine and other skills and perform a skill gap analysis.

Wondering what other skills we have in our World’s Largest Skills Assessment library?
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How it works

Test Summary

Online Node.js test helps screen candidates possessing skills as follows:

  1. Excellent working knowledge of JavaScript
  2. Ability to work on Node.js and its frameworks
  3. Exerience working on asynchronous programming
  4. Ability to work with server-side templating languages and CSS pre-processors
  5. Strong knowledge of data structures, algorithms, HTML5, and CSS

Assessing candidates with a Node.js technical test is secure and reliable. You can use our role-based access control feature to restrict system access based on the roles of individual users within the recruiting team. Features like window violation and image and video proctoring help detect cheating during the test.

Useful for hiring
  • Node JS Developer
  • Node JS Engineer
  • Front End Developer
  • Web Application Developer
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Topics Covered

JavaScript Engine

The Node.JS online test evaluates candidate’s ability to work on JavaScript engine that executes JavaScript code.


The pre-hire test gauges candidate’s knowledge of storing data for individual user against a unique sessions ID.


The Node.js interview test assesses candidate’s understanding of Packages to get access to JavaScript libraries that can be included in the project.


The Node.JS Skills test lets you check candidate’s knowledge of an interactive of properties of the specific JavaScript object.


Sample Question
Choose from our 100,000+ questions library or add your own questions to make powerful custom tests.
Question type
Multiple Option
Topics covered
ES^ Arrow Functions


Predict the output of the following snippet:

let car = {
    model: "Audi",
    topSpeed: "300",
    getSpeed: () => {
    return this.topSpeed;
    getModel: function() {
    return this.model;
console.log(car.getSpeed(), car.getModel());


  • 300, Audi
  • Audi, 300
  • Undefined, 300
  • Undefined, Audi
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
You can customize this test by

Setting the difficulty level of the test

Choose easy, medium, or tricky questions from our skill libraries to assess candidates of different experience levels.

Combining multiple skills into one test

Add multiple skills in a single test to create an effective assessment and assess multiple skills together.

Adding your own
questions to the test

Add, edit, or bulk upload your coding, MCQ, and whiteboard questions.

Requesting a tailor-made test

Receive a tailored assessment created by our subject matter experts to ensure adequate screening.
How is Node.js online test customized?
Down Arrow Circle

We can customize the Node.js assessment test to suityour needs. Our SMEs will refer to the job description and customize theassessments based on the required skills needed. Some skills include JavascriptEngine, Directories, Sessions, etc. Likewise, you can choose the difficultylevel to assess candidates of different experience levels.

What are the most common interview questions for this role?
Down Arrow Circle

Here are a few questions that can be asked to assess the level of a Node.js Developer’s expertise in the field. Common questions include:  

• How do you structure a Node.js project?

• What is Node.js and how is it different from JavaScript?

• How do you use Stream API in Node.js?

• What is the difference between a callback and a promise in Node.js?

• How do you handle exceptions in Node.js?

Elevate your hiring game with 50+ Node.js coding questions for candidates. Streamline skills evaluation and find your next team member effortlessly!

What are roles and responsibilities of Node.js Developer?
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The roles and responsibilities of a Node.js developer may include:

• Designing and developing server-side applications using Node.js and related technologies.

• Write clean, efficient, and reusable code.

• Debugging and troubleshooting issues in the codebase.

• Ensure that the main database and front-end requests are at their optimal performance.

• Collaborating with team members and stakeholders to understand requirements and implement solutions.

• Staying up-to-date with new developments and trends in the Node.js ecosystem.

Recruit with Confidence: Find the perfect candidate with our Node.js Developer Job Description.

What are the required skillsets of Node.js Developer?
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The required skillsets of a Node.js developer includes:

Technical Skills:

• Experience in Node.js development projects

• Knowledge of Front-end Development

• Understanding of Node.js Frameworks

• Efficiency in Handling Timelines

• Testing and Error Handling Abilities

• Integrating API Communication and Database

• Back-End Service Management with Graphic Customization

Soft Skills:

• Effective Communicator

• Ability to deliver ideas

• Understand the Business and Product

• Creativity and Logical Skills

A guide to successful Node.js developer hiring.

What is the package of Node.js Developer?
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According to Glassdoor, the median salary for a Node.js developer in the United States is $87,836 per year. However, this can range from around $50,000 per year for entry-level positions to over $110,000 per year for more experienced developers.