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For recruiters and hiring managers
Speak with product consultants to see how iMocha helps you get the best fit talent faster.
For L&D and training managers
Learn how to get accurate ROI for your Learning initiatives
Find the skill proficiency of your employees, from hire to retire.
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hiring cost
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interview-to-selection ratio
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Trusted by 500+ organisations worldwide
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Loved by our

As a cybersecurity training solution, a critical piece of our learning philosophy is the ability to measure a learner’s understanding of a given subject.  iMocha has been a great partner in this regard for both out-of-the-box and custom-made quizzes and assessments. 

The ability to create content that directly aligns with our video-based courses has made a tremendous difference in the value we have been able to offer to our clients. iMocha’s ready-made assessments have also helped us deliver more robust insight into IT and cybersecurity readiness for our learners. 

We’ve been very grateful for iMocha’s intentional customer support. This is a good company to partner with for your training goals.

Regina Sheridan

Director of Content

Identifying the right candidate remotely took a lot of our time, considering how each seemed to have different levels of skills and expertise.

iMocha helped us to transform our remote hiring strategy and cut down on our candidate filtration time by 40% making it our preferred assessment software.

Pedro Furtado

Capacity Manager,

Hiring Data Scientists was a challenge as the interview process took time. With iMocha's data science assessments, the process was simplified.

The tool helped us shortlist top candidates and extend offer letter in just 4 days.

Lynn Hodak

Talent Acquisition Manager, Capgemini

We have always believed in hiring talent on merit rather than resumes. When we started our global recruitment, we were clear on including assessments to evaluate skills and shortlist candidates.

iMocha has helped us immensely over the past 3 years to not only assess candidates but also optimize our recruitment process.

Senthil Nayagam K

Sr. VP, Hexaware