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Unisys DMSII Test

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Unisys DMSII Online Test

Unisys Data Management System II (DMSII) is a database system. The Burroughs Corporation originally created this database system in 1972, and it mainly provided an ISAM (indexed sequential access method) model for data access, transaction isolation, and database-recovery capabilities. DMSII used the concept of "sets" for data storage, and a data set contained rows of data and could be random or ordered. Unisys DMSII supported both hierarchical and relational models, a data set that could be disjointed or embedded.

Unisys DMSII online test helps tech recruiters and hiring managers to assess candidates' Unisys DMSII database administration skills. Unisys DMSII skills test is designed by experienced subject matter experts (SMEs) to evaluate and hire Unisys DBA per industry standards.

Unisys DMSII online test helps to screen the candidates who possess traits as follows:

  • Knowledge about operations and concepts of DMSII
  • Good knowledge of database systems and programming
  • Understanding of other parts of DMSII like query, files, access, etc
  • Knowledge of exception handling in the database system queries

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This test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio/Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Senior DBA - Unisys DMSII
  • Operation System Analyst
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Q 1. Please choose the correct fragment where PUTNULL entry point would be used to set data items to their null values with below data variables declared:
01. Dataset-name PIC x(17) value is EMP.
01 ITEM-NAME PIC x(17) value is spaces.
01 Result pic9(1) comp value is 0.

Move "Emp-sal" to Item-name.
Call "DBPUTNULL of DMINTERPRETER" using Dataset-name, Item-name giving result.
Move "Emp-sal" to Item-name.
Call "PUTNULL" using Dataset-name, Item-name giving result.
RESULT = Call(putnull)
Move "Emp-sal" to Item-name.
PUTNULL( Dataset-name, Item-name)
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