Our pre-employment business English proficiency test is the most preferred online skills assessment by recruiters and hiring managers to quantify the English language proficiency of candidates. The test evaluates a candidate's speaking, writing, reading, and listing skills. The online English language proficiency test for employment is useful for hiring every role. This English proficiency assessment test can reduce hiring costs and time-to-hire by 40%.
English is the language used in most international business transactions. A report published by Cambridge Assessment in 2016 proved that English skills are lacking on a global scale, especially in business. AI-EnglishPro is a business English proficiency test that is aimed at assessing the level of English proficiency for existing as well as potential employees. It is a 30-minute test divided into four parts:
It adheres to the CEFR standards (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in its marking pattern, level of difficulty/proficiency, and content curation.
Why use AI-EnglishPro - Business English Proficiency Test?
As per Cambridge English, IT employees need to possess varying degrees of business English skills to carry out their jobs. Therefore, it becomes imperative that, along with the core skills, employees are also assessed on their business English skills. However, most of the assessments are home-grown, lack reliability, and are prone to biases.
Business English skills assessment must be reliable, conform to accepted standards, and be free of biases. In addition, it must be scalable to conduct mass recruiting in a swift, accurate, and timely manner.
iMocha has designed AI-EnglishPro - an innovative tool to tackle these challenges. Our online business English proficiency test is based on four pillars of language, namely clarity, precision, understanding, and context. AI-EnglishPro is an AI-enabled, easy-to-use assessment that provides sentiment analysis, contextual understanding, and business language domain.
English language proficiency assessment test is designed keeping in mind the Council of Europe's Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) with focus on Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening skills. AI-EnglishPro uses Natural Language Processing tools, Computational Linguistics, and Text Analysis to provide input about the proficiency levels of the candidates and/or your existing employees.
Business English language proficiency test evaluates business english proficiency on the core parameters like Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening with accurate and intelligent sentiment analysis.
Read the scenario given below and answer the question.
Technologies used for digital transformation can also be leveraged to enhance trust—when they’re used to enhance transparency, reinforce ethical practices, boost data privacy, and harden security.
Gaining customers’ trust—not just in a business’s products and services, but in its core purpose and principles—is fundamental to an enterprise’s success. But, what if efforts to drive your business’s success also increase the risk of sparking customers’ distrust?
That’s the dilemma that many business leaders find themselves in today, as they pursue digital transformation efforts to embed technology into every facet of their operations. With the advent of digital technology, businesses have been asking customers to trust them in new and deeper ways, from asking for their personal information to tracking their online behavior through digital breadcrumbs.
At the same time, technology issues like security hacks, inappropriate or illegal surveillance, misuse of personal data, the spread of fake news and misinformation, algorithmic bias, and lack of transparency are regularly hitting the headlines.
What do you think the resolution to the situation described above should be?