Skill Intelligence

Skill Intelligence

Looking for information about Skill Intelligence tools? Read on to learn more about the Skill Intelligence tools and how to use in employee skills management. 

What is Skill intelligence?

Skill intelligence is one of the most effective and structured techniques to assess the skill level of potential employees, as well as members of an existing workforce. Individual expertise is measured and mapped to help the company leverage human capital.

The impact of skill intelligence includes an increase in productivity, reduced worker attrition, more innovation, and the development of a future leadership pipeline.

Who Leverages Skill Intelligence?

Skills intelligence can be leveraged by hiring managers, independent recruiters, recruitment companies, and business owners across sectors to identify the best fit for various job roles.

The traditional hiring process tends to look at degrees, experience, and pedigree. However, it is challenging to access skills using this approach.

Skill intelligence is a more scientific way to assess an individual's true skill set and future potential. With the help of skill ontology and taxonomy, it helps companies make data-driven decisions with a long-term perspective.

How Do Skills Intelligence Solutions Work?

A skills intelligence solution is an automated, comprehensive text-enabled solution to determine an individual's skill level across a wide range of job roles. It is designed to reduce the manual labor, time of engagement, and inaccuracy of the traditional hiring process, to make it more efficient.

All candidates are invited to take a structured and automated skills assessment test; their skill competency and proficiency can be thoroughly determined.

Recruiters and human resource managers get access to a comprehensive skill intelligence report. They can leverage data to make important hiring, promotional, and leadership pipeline decisions.

What Are The Top Assessed Skills?

The variety of skills can be divided into some specific categories as follows. Here is a full spectrum, with some examples in each category:

  • Technical/Information Technology skills such as Cloud, Cybersecurity, and Quality Assurance
  • Next-gen skills such as Artificial intelligence and Big Data
  • Coding languages such as Python and Java
  • Aptitude skills such as Analytical Ability and Cognitive Thinking
  • Business skills such as Business Analyst and Customer Service
  • Domain skills such as Business Analyst ERP and Excel Auditor

Challenging Skills Assessment Made Easy

Not all skills are equally easy to assess due to the nature of the skill. Skill intelligence is an HR-tech architecture that makes it easy to assess skills quickly and accurately.

Skills Intelligence is essential for talent transformation as it enables organizations to identify skill gaps, align learning and development initiatives, and strategically reskill or upskill employees to meet evolving business needs, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth.

Here are some examples of some skills that can be assessed in a structured manner through skill intelligence:

  • It is challenging to gauge the candidates' adaptability - how quickly they can adapt to change in the future, build new skills, and be innovative.
  • Critical thinking is an important problem-solving skill that requires employees to think out-of-the-box. This is a valuable skill that is challenging to assess.
  • Companies are seeking more ways to build a leadership pipeline in the future. Skill intelligence enables recruiters and human resource professionals to determine leadership potential.

Interested in leveraging skill intelligence technology to enhance your recruitment and employee growth processes? Check out how iMocha can help!

Benefits of Tracking Skills Intelligence

By investing in automated skill assessment architecture, companies can solve a host of challenges as follows:

  • By assessing the skills of various employees, recruiters can map potential employees to the right job profile and boost productivity.
  • Existing members of the workforce maybe experience skill redundancy. Skill intelligence points towards the areas where they require training. You can map their growth trajectory and productivity at the company.
  • Reduce attrition levels and bring down the overall cost per new hire.
  • Leverage technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation to reduce errors and increase skill intelligence accuracy.
  • Building a culture of learning in the workforce and increasing employee value proposition.

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Struggling to identify skill gaps in your organization?

Try iMocha Skills Intelligence Cloud to identify skill gaps proactively and more efficiently.
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