Discover the current skills and the ones needed for the future with Skills Mapping.
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How can you map Cognitive Abilities Assessments to various job roles?

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Each role requires a different cognitive abilities test. A simple pass-fail measure doesn’t work in these kinds of assessments. In section 2, we saw different types of cognitive tests and how they are used. In this section, we’ll map those to popular job roles of today.

For instance, according to a study, a Software/Application Developer must primarily possess abilities such as Associative Memory, Numerical Ability, Perceptual Speed, and Reasoning. On the other hand, a Database Administrator’s job would require the candidate to possess a high level of Perceptual Speed, Reasoning, Spatial Visualization, and Verbal Comprehension. So if one needs a straightforward answer to what is cognitive ability test, there wouldn’t be one.

Here are some examples of how cognitive competencies and job roles can be mapped -

Note: The following structures have been developed in consultation with domain experts and clients with 10+ years of experience. This list is merely indicative, not exhaustive.

Skills software/application developers need

Skills information security specialists need

Skills information technology analysts need

Skills computer network specialists need

Skills compliance managers need

Skills business intelligence analysts need

Skills litigation support/ eDiscovery analysts need

Skills risk analysts need

Skills web developers need

Skills data analysts need

To know about how you can build an effective recruitment strategy with cognitive abilities tests, visit here.