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A step-by-step guide on how to assess Cognitive Ability

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Cognitive ability tests are used to predict candidates’ future job performance. There is usually a time limit built into the test that forces them to think quickly; thus, reflecting the need to make several quick decisions in a short span at the workplace.

The questions presented to the candidates are typically short and multiple-choice, made up of logic puzzles, math problems, or reading comprehension questions. The test is usually not very difficult and is designed to be finished within 10-30 minutes.

11 Advantages of Cognitive Ability Testing During the Recruitment Process

  1. Drop in Time to Hire
    Recruiters continually look to reduce the time to hire; at times, the hiring processes can be lengthy and exhaustive. Using cognitive ability tests, recruiters can speed up the hiring process and arrive at a candidate shortlist faster. Naturally, the interviews get aligned quickly, and decisions are way quicker.
  2. Predicting Job Performance
    The recruiters use cognitive ability tests mainly to predict the job performance of candidates. To gain an insight into how well a new candidate can learn new skills, follow instructions, and communicate with others, cognitive ability tests are the best choice.
  3. Simple to Administer
    Many hiring techniques are high-priced and time-consuming to conduct. In comparison, these tests are easy to add to your hiring process. The recruiters can use an online platform to run the tests and get quick data to verify.
  4. Highly Customizable
    Cognitive ability tests are readily customizable. Recruiters can make a customized test using a combination of the skill tests as per the specific job role.
  5. Inclusion of Distinctive Competencies
    A competency is a group of skills needed to do a specific job. Cognitive ability tests include all essential competencies to ensure a holistic evaluation of the candidates.
  6. Effective Screening
    Using the cognitive ability test results, recruiters can ensure that only competent candidates go to the next level of the recruitment cycle. It is an effective screening tool to select the candidates at the initial stages of the recruitment process.
  7. East to Scale
    Cognitive skills tests are conducted on computers or online, and hence they can be achieved with one or many candidates simultaneously. Scalability is a direct benefit of cognitive ability tests.
  8. Reduce Unsuccessful Hires and Enable Quality Hiring
    According to the REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) report, “The cost of a bad hiring decision can be up to 3.2 times their annual salary.”
    No recruiter wants that to occur. Hence, they look to cognitive ability tests to make better hiring decisions. By gaining data on essential factors, companies and recruiters save time and money by avoiding hiring an incorrect candidate.
  9. An Inexpensive method
    Cost is an essential factor in the hiring process, and naturally, recruiters are expected to keep it low. However, considering that the tests can improve the quality of the hire, these are relatively inexpensive hiring tools. Moreover, all we need to conduct these tests are computers and an internet connection, and grading happens automatically without any actual human involvement.
  10. Increased Retention
    The attrition rate is a big concern for companies and recruiters likewise. By hiring candidates who perform well on cognitive ability tests, recruiters can employ people with good job-fit and skills aligned to the role. Over time, the more these tools are used, recruiters might see an improved retention rate.
  11. Helps the Company be Successful
    The data you obtain from the cognitive ability of the candidates is beneficial. It enables recruiters to hire for the skills needed right now and keep the future in mind. Adding a cognitive ability test into the hiring process can be an efficient way to achieve company success. After all, the recruiters are hiring people who may lead the company tomorrow.