HomeBusiness Analyst Tests
Working Memory Skills Test
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Working Memory

iMocha’s online working memory test is the preferred pre-employment test for recruiters and hiring managers to hire job-fit candidates for roles such as Business Research Analyst, Business Manager, and Business Instructional Coordinator. Our working memory assessment test helps to reduce hiring time by 45%.

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Working Memory Assessment Test

Working memory is a cognitive system with a limited capacity that can hold information temporarily. Working memory is important for reasoning and  guidance of decision-making and behavior.

Working memory assessment test helps  hiring managers and recruiters to find the best suitable candidate by using this test. Online working memory test questions are designed and validated by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assess and hire  candidates with a good memory as per  industry standards.

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Test Summary

The working Memory test helps to screen the candidates who possess skills as follows:

  • A good understanding of multiple research methods.
  • An excellent cognitive memory.
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Knowledgeable about trends and patterns in the market.

The working memory assessment test contains the latest and quality set of scenario-based questions to assess the operating experience of the candidate. Working memory test may contain MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQs (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, Logic Box (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulators, True or False Questions, etc.

Useful for hiring
  • Business Research Analyst
  • Business Manager
  • Business Instructional Coordinator
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Topics Covered

Primacy and Recency Effect

This test helps recruiters in evaluating a candidate’s understanding of the Primary and Recency Effect which is the observation that information presented at the beginning (Primacy) and end (Recency) of a learning episode tends to be retained better than information presented in the middle.

Working Memory Training

This Working memory online test helps recruiters to evaluate a candidate’s working memory training regime and their level of understanding of how this regime can affect their working memory.

Working Memory Training Techniques and Articulatory Rehearsal

This test aids recruiters to gauge a candidate’s knowledge of working memory training techniques such as creating mnemonics, using visual cues etc. and articulatory rehearsal, which involves repeating information over and over again in order to remember.

Serial Position Effect

The working memory online test helps recruiters to assess the candidate’s level of understanding of the serial position effect. This effect describes how our memory is affected by the position of information in a sequence.

Behavior of an Amnesic

This test assists recruiters in assessing a candidate’s knowledge on the behavioral patterns of an amnesic individual, their level of understanding of such a condition and how they can positively improve the cognitive ability of an individual.

Sample Question
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Question type
Topics covered
Memory enhancement


Q 1. From the given list of statements, which one describes the relationship between the memory span for a list of digits, letters, and words most appropriately?

The memory span for letters will be greater than for digits and words.
The memory span for digits will be lesser than letters but more than words.
The memory span for digits will be greater than for letters and words.
The memory span for all three will be equivalent.

A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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