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Why remote hiring is the future?

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The way we think about remote working has been changing over the last decade which can be accredited to a number of things: digitization that made way for better, smarter collaborative tools, measures through which employees and candidates can be monitored, and increasing importance of work-life balance, just to name a few.

These reasons, however, pale in comparison to what COVID-19 did for remote working and remote hiring. Within a span of a month, remote working turned from a nice-to-have perk to a must have for business continuity.

But the reason why remote hiring is the future extends beyond these reason, here are a few:


Ease in process and availability

Hindrances such as location, schedule clashes, flexibility, etc. that used to affect the time-to-hire metric significantly isn’t a problem anymore because meeting virtually is convenient for both recruiters and employees.

Earlier, a candidate had to take paid time off from work just to appear for an interview, now the same candidate can set an hour aside from work and appear for an interview. While the problem of time zones may still be a concern, connecting online has never been easier.

Accepting the new normal

In the pre-COVID world, the norm was to meet the candidates in person and assess them on-campus. With several global changes reshaping our understanding of work, the face of hiring is changing as well. Now, with "remote work" being the norm, recruiting strategies have changed as well. Sourcing, assessing, interviewing- all measures that once used to be offline have effectively been translated to online hiring tools.

Location isn’t a limiting factor anymore

Recruiters now have access to a more diverse pool of candidates as location is not a barrier to remote hiring. More often than not, candidates look for jobs within the same city they are residing in to avoid uprooting their lives. With remote work, the location of work and the location of employees/candidates is irrelevant. So, candidates would be more eager to work for you if you offer remote work as a perk.

Save time, save money

According to a recent poll by Global Workplace Analytics, a small to medium-sized enterprise saves approximately $11,000 by allowing their employees to work remotely.

So, the saying "time is money" is more accurate than ever. By hiring remotely and enabling a remote working culture, you’d be saving money, and not just in person hours. Running a working space means leasing an often-expensive workspace, paying water and electricity bills, buying office supplies, and providing in-office meals and snacks.

While introducing scope to work and hire remotely will mean saving on these overhead expenses as well. Furthermore, it is a fact that online meetings stay structured, i.e., people seldom lose focus from the agenda, saving an extensive amount of person hours.