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Pre-employment testing best practices

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One of the major challenges faced across organizations worldwide is hiring job fit candidates. According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, the average cost of one bad hire is nearly $15000! These statistics point out the need of effectively using pre-employment testing to ensure the right talent is hired for the right job. Pre-employment testing can improve your quality of hire and save time & money. iMocha has curated the best practices for using pre-employment testing that will make recruitment your competitive edge!

Pre-employment testing practices that fairly and lawfully assesses candidates

1. All assessment instruments are unbiased and fair to all groups

The content of each question is not biased and is not offensive concerning race, religion, national origin, sex, etc. We ensure this through a robust validation process and is compliant with EEOC pre-employment testing guidelines.

2. Use pre-employment practices that have been considered valid and reliable

Every job role requires specific skills/competencies to perform the assigned tasks in an effective way. A valid and reliable test measures the job skills, it claims to evaluate consistently or reliably. The test contains valid questions related to job qualifications and requirements and yields similar results even if the person appears again for the test.

3. Employers are not permitted to adjust or change the scores

The iMocha platform ensures that no manipulation in test score is possible. The system calculates a score in real-time. The score is shared with the hiring manager and test taker simultaneously. For manual evaluation, we maintain an audit trail for all the changes to the score.

4. Data Security

iMocha does not request or store any PII (Personally identifiable information) data of test-takers. Through strong data protection mechanisms, we ensure the protection of test taker’s professional details and scores.

5. Suitability of testing conditions for all test takers

Each assessment test is validated before it is made available. Validation is done regarding relevance, technical performance on various testing platforms, and user experience.