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Actuarial Associate Skills Test
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Entry / Mid

Actuarial Associate Skills Test

The Actuarial Associate Skills Test helps recruiters evaluate candidates' skills in the field of actuarial science. This assessment has helped our customers reduce hiring times by up to 45%.

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Actuarial Associate Skills Test

An Actuarial Associate Skills Test is a standardized assessment used by employers to evaluate the skills of candidates in the field of actuarial science. It covers topics such as probability, financial modeling, and statistical analysis, and may assess knowledge of programming languages. The test is administered online or in-person, and scores are reported as a percentile rank. It helps employers make informed hiring and training decisions in the actuarial science and related industries.

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Test Summary

The Actuarial Associate Skills Test helps to screen the candidates who possess the following traits:   

  • An ability to create and interpret financial models, and an understanding of statistical analysis techniques.
  • An understanding of credit risk models and the ability to analyze investment positions.
  • Knowledge of financial risk management techniques and the ability to make capital budgeting decisions.
  • An understanding of market risk models and the ability to analyze financial ratios.
  • Knowledge of accounting principles and the ability to prepare accurate financial reports.
  • An understanding of these concepts and the ability to calculate the cost of capital for a company.

Recruiters/hiring managers can access comprehensive reports for each candidate that will help to overview the candidate’s performance in each section within a glance. Moreover, the Test Insights section helps to identify job fit candidates accurately with the score distribution & section analysis features.

Useful for hiring
  • Actuarial Associate
  • Actuarial Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Risk Analyst
  • Investment Analyst
  • Pension Analyst
Test Duration
No. of Questions
Level of Expertise
Entry / Mid
Topics Covered

Financial modeling and analysis

This skill involves using mathematical models to analyze financial data and make predictions about future performance. The Actuarial Associate Test can assess a candidate's ability to create and interpret financial models, and their understanding of statistical analysis techniques.

Credit risk and position analysis

This skill involves analyzing credit risk associated with financial investments and managing investment positions. The Actuarial Associate Online Test can evaluate a candidate's understanding of credit risk models and their ability to analyze investment positions.

Financial risk management and capital budgeting

This skill involves identifying and managing financial risks associated with investments and determining how to allocate capital resources. This test can evaluate a candidate's knowledge of financial risk management techniques and their ability to make capital budgeting decisions.

Market risk - ratio analysis

This skill involves analyzing market trends and using financial ratios to evaluate company performance. This assessment can assess a candidate's understanding of market risk models and their ability to analyze financial ratios.

Financial reporting

This skill involves preparing financial statements and reports for stakeholders. The Actuarial Associate Skills Test can evaluate a candidate's knowledge of accounting principles and their ability to prepare accurate financial reports.

Cost of capital - cost of debenture

This skill involves understanding the cost of financing for a company, including the cost of issuing debt (debentures) and the cost of equity capital. This test can assess a candidate's understanding of these concepts and their ability to calculate the cost of capital for a company.
Sample Question
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Question type
Multiple Answer
Topics covered
Account categorization


Q 1. As the chief finance officer for Apex Telecommunications, you asked one of your accountants to prepare the cash flow statement for the period that just ended during the finalization of financial statements. The accountant is uncertain of how to classify the cash received from the sale of fixed assets over the period that just ended. Which finance cash flow categorization will help in this case?

Investing Activities
Other Activities
Financing Activities
Operating Activities
A helicopter view of the employee's progress
Test Report
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